METCO's Impact

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20-year Study Proves METCO Works!

According to a robust, 20-year longitudinal study conducted by Dr. Elizabeth Setren at Tufts University, METCO is an extremely successful program. The jury is back, the data is clear—METCO works! When compared with their Boston peers, METCO students outperform in graduation rates, college admission rates, employment, and income rates, and more.

METCO, Inc. and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education generously shared data to conduct this research and provided invaluable insight into the METCO program which informed the research. This project was supported by the U.S. Institute for Education Sciences, The Boston Foundation, The Spencer Foundation, The Russell Sage Foundation, and Tufts University. Sara Ji, Savannah Kochinke, and Elizabeth Pancotti provided excellent research assistance.

Read more about the study

Check out this video of our METCO students and alumni sharing their success as a result of being part of the METCO program!