Enriching Lives, Expanding Impact

As the new year unfolds, we want to thank you for your generous support of METCO programs. Your help is key to our success in enriching lives and communities.

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METCO Elevates

Full scholarship awarded from the Island School

Jada Green, a senior at Newton South High School and METCO student, has been awarded a $16,350 scholarship for The Island School’s prestigious environmental education program in the Bahamas. This 6-week intensive course involves hands-on study of local ecosystems, exploration of socio-economic impacts, and sustainable living practices. METCO HQ proudly continues its 6-year partnership with The Island School, enhancing program diversity and offering unique opportunities like Jada’s. Congratulations, Jada, on this exciting journey!

Empowering Boston Students

The Summer Jobs Program hires 50 students!

This summer, HQ proudly partnered with Boston’s Department of Youth Engagement & Employment, securing a $117,240 grant to employ 50 students over seven weeks. They served as classroom assistants in our Summer School, supported METCO Directors, and participated in our Preparing Leaders and Achievers Network (PLAN) program. Students gained valuable skills in mentoring, tutoring, leadership, job readiness, financial literacy, self-care, cultural identity, and college readiness. PLAN participants enjoyed field trips, college tours, and presented research on METCO program leaders during their closing ceremony.

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Enriching Learning

Summer School was a success!

Our METCO Summer School program was a success, with 70 students from 16 districts meeting daily for four weeks of rigorous and enriching learning. Thanks to a generous $40K grant from the Liberty Mutual Foundation, we could support this vital program, reducing summer learning loss and fostering connections among METCO students. We extend our gratitude to Boston Public Schools for their partnership, which included providing space at Lilla G. Frederick Pilot Middle School and daily breakfast and lunch at no cost.

Our Summer School staff, composed of 26 individuals including a principal, an instructional coach, seven teachers, seven teachers’ assistants, five classroom assistants, and five youth workers, delivered comprehensive instruction in Math and ELA aligned with Massachusetts’ curriculum frameworks. We were truly impressed by the outstanding achievements of our dedicated staff during the Summer School program.

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Unplugging & Creating Friendships

METCO students at YMCA camps in NH

HQ staff joined 60 scholarship recipients at NH’s YMCA Camps this summer. These young adventurers embraced nature, forged friendships, and unplugged with support from the Lynch Family Foundation’s $425k grant and YMCA of Greater Boston scholarships.

Among our campers was Elenairys, a 7th grader from Newton. She couldn’t get enough of the incredible people she met from all corners of the world and cherished every moment spent far from electronic distractions.

Yamaris, a dedicated junior at Lincoln/Sudbury, stepped into the role of a Counselor in Training, building upon her experience as a Leader in Training from the previous year. She had nothing but praise for the enriching activities, the vibrant community, and the scrumptious camp cuisine. With passionate commitment, she’s already looking forward to returning next year. 

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Theater Season

Exploring Diversity Onstage

Thanks to grants from BASI OTB Act 2 and BBI, METCO HQ hosted a great METCO Presents theater season. With ArtsEmerson, we watched plays like ‘We Are The Land’ and ‘The Book of Life.’ We also organized trips for the Family Friends Programs to see ‘The Black Nativity,’ building interracial friendships. METCO Presents brings our communities together with plays about race, diversity, and culture, sparking discussions and community bonds.