Alumni: Connect with METCO Headquarters!

METCO is entering a new era, and alumni are an essential part of it. Connect with METCO HQ to learn about the organization, the movement, and upcoming events—and share your ideas about how the alumni community can get involved and support today’s students.

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Alumni Network

Connect. Engage. Empower.

METCO is entering a new era, and alumni are an essential part of it. Connect with METCO Headquarters to learn about the organization, the movement, and upcoming events—and share your ideas about how the alumni community can get involved and support today’s students.

Stay Connected

Give Feedback

Your Voice Matters

Your perspective is extremely valuable in helping to make the program stronger for the current and future classes. We also know that some of you want to stay connected and hear about engagement, volunteer, and employment opportunities. Click the box below and take a few moments to join our mailing list and give us feedback on your experience.

Alumni Testimonials

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METCO gave me the opportunity to pursue my dream of becoming a doctor and gave me access to the world. I have lifelong friends I most assuredly would not have if not for METCO.

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I believe that single decision my mom made to enroll me in the METCO program was a game-changer, which gave me the foundation to excel in college and a great underpinning for my personal life and professional career.

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The METCO program had that big of an impact on my life. The life lessons and relationships I developed throughout my years in METCO truly helped mold and shape me into the man I am today.

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We’re all a product of the METCO program. What this says to me is that the METCO program actually works: METCO works… It was an automatic decision for me that I wanted my son to be in the METCO program.

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METCO has impacted the way in which I view and interact with the world around me. METCO gave me great opportunities for growth both personally, and professionally.

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I think all of this—from the family, to the sports, to the community, to leveraging access—my experience was unique but overall, I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world.

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